Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jane Clarey - Comments on Millenials

Reading Jane Clarey's blog about the use of Web 2.0 Technologies by Millenials, ie students born in the 80's & 90's.

The big idea behind her thinking is that we have to lose the idea of digital native/digital immigrant. Prensky started the conversation but now it's time to move on. Really what we have to realize is that these students although conversant in the use of technologies such as IM, youtube and facebook they do not necessarily look to using these tools for learning or training in the workplace.

Clarey states: "the “younger” generation does not have a high level of use of collaborative knowledge creation tools (“2.0”) and don’t adopt radically different patterns of knowledge creation and sharing." As a librarian and learner....this speaks to me.

Educators really need to focus on appropriate instruction in the use of web 2.0 tools and focused critical thinking strategies to engage these learners. Helping our students to locate communities of learners focused on their interests and linking this like mindedness to specific learning skills, just might be the key to greater student engagement and student success.

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