Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Bliphoto looks like a fun tool for digital storytelling and from what I can read in the small print is open to fair use of content. Based in Edinborough, encourages us to post one interesting photo per day and will only accept photos on the day they were taken. Looks like fun.

The Reason for F2F?

I scooped this from my aggregator and quickly added Jeff Utecht to my De.lici.ous network. He asks some pretty powerful questions about why we need f2f learning and what changes we should maybe make to our teaching to engage students. Check it out...The Thinking Stick

Interesting Video about Fair Use

This video is just out from the states about fair use that pertains to American Copyright law. I would like to see how different this is in Canada. To download the full report visit the website for Centre for Social Media

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Copyright video

Interesting little movie about copyright using copyrighted images????