Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Web 2.0 and 3.0 Semantics

Amanda inspired me to go back and review my notes from Superconference with her postings about the interactive web and the semantic web.

Here is a presentation shared by David Warlick related to Thomas Friedan's book The World is Flat...which is now on my growing pile of reading for, whenever!

Check this out!

1 comment:

The TTL said...

This is an interesting slideshow. One comment that I found particularly disturbing is the quote from the Sun Microsystems CEO He said something to the effect that it content will be or is secondary to the entertainment factor (i.e success will be determined by 'audience share')I think this has been happening for a long time in education. It seems that students have shorter and shorter attention spans and/or that content has to be presented in increasingly entertaining and 'soundbite' ways.
There is such a huge disconnect between all the content that we, meaning educators in Ontario, are supposed to be cramming down the throats of our students and the reality of the wired world outside the classroom.
On the other hand, do I mark myself as a dinosaur, if I think that even in this new world, there are many things that require effort and may not be 'fun' to learn, but in the end, if the student is patient enough, the ultimate payoff is worth the price?(Learning to play an instrument is one example that comes to mind.)