Friday, February 29, 2008

Interesting Photo

Here is a really neat photo on Will Richardson's blog....if this is how we are disposing of cell phones....imagine what everything else we throw away looks like????


The TTL said...

What's even more disturbing is seeing footage of peasants in China, stripping these down (along with trashed computer components) in order to salvage metal and other components that they can sell for a pittance in order to eke out a meager existance. (I've seen footage like this on a CBC documentary about China, as well as, I think, A 'Nature of Things' documentary about the west shipping off their toxic trash to the third world.)

Niki M. said...

I had no idea the problem was so huge. Just this morning on the radio there was a discussion about plastic bottles and the mass numbers of them filling up lakes and certain parts of the oceans as they drift with the currents. Plastic can't disintegrate either so it remains to be seen what the next step will be. Makes me think twice about purchasing bottled water!