Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Bliphoto looks like a fun tool for digital storytelling and from what I can read in the small print is open to fair use of content. Based in Edinborough, encourages us to post one interesting photo per day and will only accept photos on the day they were taken. Looks like fun.

The Reason for F2F?

I scooped this from my aggregator and quickly added Jeff Utecht to my De.lici.ous network. He asks some pretty powerful questions about why we need f2f learning and what changes we should maybe make to our teaching to engage students. Check it out...The Thinking Stick

Interesting Video about Fair Use

This video is just out from the states about fair use that pertains to American Copyright law. I would like to see how different this is in Canada. To download the full report visit the website for Centre for Social Media

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Copyright video

Interesting little movie about copyright using copyrighted images????

Friday, October 24, 2008

Google Reader How To

Common Craft is a great way to learn about stuff. Here is a video they produced for Google explaining how Google works.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Copyright and Media

Will Richardson has an interesting comment about copyright and how Web 2.0 has changed how we must approach new media. Are our children criminals or are they only doing what they think is normal? Interesting ideas with references to Lawrence Lessig and Creative commons. Check it out.

Neat way to create Posters

Want to create READ posters using your own image???

Try this url and tell me how it works.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Assessment is for Learning

Here is another treasure from Scotland....Assessment is for Learning. An online toolkit that is promoted in their school district. It looks pretty user friendly and chock a block with great ideas that promote learning through assessment and linking technology.

Graphic Novels & Literacy

I have been asked about using GN's in the classrooms again, so I have been reviewing my bookmarks in delicious to see what I have been tagging.

Here is an interesting site that I must have grabbed fro Ewan McGregors feed. It is beautifully laid out with great content supporting the use of GN's to support student literacy. Go figure! Books that are fun to read encourage you to read!!!

Literacy & Graphic Novels

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Copyright Law and the Ethics of Sampling

Here is an interesting video clip about promoting an upcoming video release about Fair Use and Copyright law.

Friday, September 05, 2008

A New Role....

I have just completed my first week on the job as Curriculum Consultant and am exhausted as most educators are at the end of week one. But this is a different kind of exhaustion...working in this environment will certainly be mentally stimulating! My brain simply needs to take a rest tonight, but I can't wait to get back at it!

It is really exciting to be in education during this time of change. We are all trying to figure out what being literate will mean in the next 20 years. What fun! I only hope that we can make it "a bit more delightful" to quote Stephen Heppell.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Experimenting with Embedded Clips

According to my aggregator I can now embed clips into my blog. So here goes...some neat blogs that I have starred in my aggregator....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Numa Numa

As mentioned in Wesch's talk the original Numa Numa video.

An Anthropological Perspective of Youtube

Michael Wesch talks about Youtube. An anthropological perspective. Such an interesting prof...oh to be a student in his lectures!

Periodic Table of Videos

Here is an amazing resource for High School Science. The periodic table of videos. Simply click on the element and view a video about this element. Great for grade 9 science projects!

Take a look, it's created by the University of Nottingham. The Periodic Table of Videos

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Amazing Teacher Resources

I am just posting the link to a great little web slide show of amazing teacher resources created by one of my classmates in ETEC540! Click here to view.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Wow this is an amazing tool that will change the meaning of the social web into more of a semantic web.

A neat TED Talk.


Here is another fun tool that would have so many applications in elementary school.

You can embed in a blog, share via de.lic.ious, or in the gallery.

Click and point and fun

One True Media

I have been playing with this tool for my course ETEC540. So have used Alice's violin camp and lessons to give it a shot. Very user friendly, intuitive and fun to use. Fast uploads too. I wonder if it is blocked by YRDSB filters?????

Have a look:

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Voice Thread

OK haven't been here for awhile but to view my voice here.


the snowy day

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Voice Threads

Found this fun little tool and am expermenting with it. Voice Threads is a way to put media and voice together quickly and easily. Try it:

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Invest in a Girl

Not only does this video have meaning it is a wonderful example of digital storytelling!

Check this out. From Ewan McIntosh in the UK.

The Girl Effect:

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Delight in Education

Stephen Heppell wants to make education a little more "delightful" now I see this poster on Richard Millwood's blog. I think the British education system is onto something! I want to make education delightful, how about you??

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Adventures of Johnny Bunko

Daniel Pink has released a guide for career decisions in Manga format with an online comic component. I don't know about you, but the manga in my library is the best used section. I will be buying it as soon as I have next year's budget!

Here is the link to the online component that you can link to RSS.

Johnny Bunko Online

Great Media Studies Resource!

OK here is this band from Manchester UK. They needed to make a video but couldn't afford it so instead they perform in front of video surveillance cameras around the city and then petition the government to access the tapes which they then edit into a music video. Talk about creative rebellion! Work the system boys!! This was from David Warlick's Blog.

It's a good is the video:

Sunday, May 11, 2008

What is Text?

Here is my first foray into publishing myself! An assignment for my masters course.

Boing Boing Cory Doctorow Releases his new Book

Author Cory Doctorow has released his new book on the web. Yes you can download it legally right here. Click on the link to listen to his rationale...very interesting.

Link to purchase and download this audiobook without Flash interaction

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Fun Links for Digital Storytelling

This site is chock full of great resources for digital storytelling. CogDogRoo by Alan Levine... Link this to UStream and Bob's your uncle.

Powerpoint at its best!

An example of powerpoint with all the bells and whistles!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Virtual School Society Conference

OK David Warlick is live blogging a conference in BC and it's where I would love to be right now. He posted an really interesting discussion yesterday about implementing social networks and the features of them. The presenter talks about the features of social networks using an interesting diagram.
Social Networks are all about:
Reputation The diagram shows how 3 different networks play on these relationships.
Imagine how powerful these tools could be for learning if school districts could get past the fear and unblock them. We need to educate the educators so that we can use such tools wisely in learning environments.

Smith, Gene. “Social Software Building Blocks.” [Weblog nForm] 4 Apr 2007. nForm User
Experience. 23 Apr 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

URL for Brittania Registration

Register for Brittania for free....would help to have this link!

Brittania for Bloggers!

I have been reading Joyce's Valenza's latest posting and find this article indicating that Encyclopedia Brittanica will provide access to their product free of charge to Bloggers. Of course, I am skeptical as is Joyce and will register to find out how this the meantime, if you are interested, check it out! Brittania for Bloggers.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


OK here is such a cool little tool that students and teachers can access online with very little knowledge of IT Animoto is a web based video/slideshow creation tool that can be used for many purposes. Check it out, give it a shot and tell me what you think. This was posted on Ewan McGregor's Edublog and it is a wonderful thing. Thanks Mr. McGregor!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Google Mojo

OK is something to share at the next staff meeting....librarianship blues if I ever heard it!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Time Mag Top 25 Blogs

Here is Time Magazines link to top 25 blogs. Although I have heard of some of these blogs, I don't subscribe to them and at the moment I am resisting adding them to my rss. I am online far too much and need to limit my aggregator to specific focii, such as IT and libraries. lol Not too broad an area!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Blue Skunk & Copyright

I have gotten hooked on Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk blog. This week he has been discussing copyright and fair use of material. This is always a hot topic in librarianship but this one hit home because we were discussing our New Vision Document for school libraries at a recent meeting. In this document the vision refers TL's to character education connections when teaching copyright. Johnson makes the same reference saying that we need to teach copyright from the perspective of the producer and call on student empathy to understand the rationale behind copyright law. Don't you love it when everything seems connected??

Digital Archive Mashups

David Warlick posted this wonderful link to the national archive of the united states where they have digitized primary source documents for users to use for research and to create new views of this information. Items are tagged using blog like folksonomy and it has a Flikr like feel to it. Imagine how much fun this could be to have students select images from this resource, create movies, slide shows, posters....all built into this wonderful site! Canadian digital archives please take note!!! Check it out

Friday, March 21, 2008

Digital Storytelling

I was buys avoiding writing a paper so decided to cruise you tube for a while. Here is a neat video about Digital StorytellingI think students would love it and I do too.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Web Mashups and Virtual Tours

I just grabbed this from David Warlick's blog at a recent tech conference in the states. This teacher was presenting about web mashups, using second life as a portal, google maps and flickr. Her example was one of taking a civil rights tour. He posted instructions.... I think this sounds amazing and will be playing with this tonight!

Lizbeth went on a Civil Rights Tour through the south, and she created a Google Maps interface for recording the tour. Again, someone asks, “How can we do that?”
Here’s how you do it. 1. Start with Google and register an account if you don’t have one already.2. Click on [Maps].3. Click [My Maps] where you can save your own maps and also browse a directory of other maps.4. Click [Create a Map]5. Title it and make it public or unlisted (you can share it either way)6. Make a pen, and then zoom in to where you want it to stay, and title it.7. A text box opens where you can type in text, rich text, or even HTML. There’s a tool bar for formatting. This is cool!8. If you want a photo to be part of this spot on the map. The photo has to be on the web, and you create a link to the photo. Click the insert a a photo button, and enter the URL of the image.
Here is a bookmark page with resources: here is a Camtasia demo:

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Web 2.0 and 3.0 Semantics

Amanda inspired me to go back and review my notes from Superconference with her postings about the interactive web and the semantic web.

Here is a presentation shared by David Warlick related to Thomas Friedan's book The World is Flat...which is now on my growing pile of reading for, whenever!

Check this out!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Warlick in Torquay and still Blogging

Here is David Warlick's blog from Torquay. He is reflecting on one state's poor decision making and the need for full time TL's in schools. I think he likes his job...I think I like his job!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Interesting Photo

Here is a really neat photo on Will Richardson's blog....if this is how we are disposing of cell phones....imagine what everything else we throw away looks like????

Bernie Dodge & Twitter

David Warlick is discussing a keynote address by Bernie Dodge. Just as I thought that I was done with webquesting and creation of such, here is David Warlick writing about the guru of webquests. It appears I need to revisit webquests and get me a Twitter account! Check it out... at

Monday, February 25, 2008

50 Inches of Entertainment!

OK I am now the proud owner of a 50" Plasma TV...WOW! Fortunately March break is approaching and I can occupy the couch for a day or two to look at this thing.

My husband may be up all night tonight...I think he loves this thing more than the dog!