Saturday, November 24, 2007

Another video from Digital Ethnography

This is another video that really forces us to look at information, how we use it, how we teach students how to use it and to think about where we need to head.

Really, the web has not top, no just is.


Lorna Reads said...

Hey! Took a break to play that amazing YouTube video. Wow...Top Shelf indeed. I really like how the message is so artfully and carefully constructed. Very cool.
The visual sure assists with the understanding of some big big big ideas.

Christine said...

Now that's something to think about. The sheer amount of information out there is staggering...
Too bad we can't "weed" the web, like we can weed our bookshelves.

Christine said...

Wow. Now there's something to think about. The amount of information out there is staggering. If only we could "weed" the web the way we can weed our book shelves...